New blend shapes on an existing actor


I am facing problem in installing new blend shapes from Maya 2011 to my existing actor on FaceFx.

The existing actor already has some blend shapes and I have some animations for that actor. I want to add some more blend shapes on the existing actor in a way such that there is no need to redo the animation.

Can I insert/ add new blend shapes on an existing animation in FaceFx?

Just use the Ogre exporter to export a new .mesh / .scene file to replace the old ones. The new blend shapes will automatically be added to your actor when you load the actor again.


Alright, I got your point.
Will my new blend shapes (exported) be applicable on the existing animations of that actor? Or do I need to redo the animations?

I don't understand what you mean by applicable. Once the nodes show up, you can use them and animate them in any existing animation in that actor.