Curve text tag "Quads" creates "Triplets"

Hi, I've been trying to insert curves using text tags, but I'm having trouble with the quadruplet type curve. Once I actually add an animation with these tags, they just come out as leading triplets. I'm in a blank actor, just adding an animation with an audio file, and using the example text from the documentation:

["Yellow curve" type=lt]
[Orange type=ct]
[Green type=tt]
[/White][/Green][/Orange] [/"Yellow curve"]
is fun!

This produces four curves, one centered triplet, one trailing triplet, and two leading triplets, but no quadruplets.

I've also tried defining the type like this:

["Yellow curve" type=lt]
[Orange type=ct]
[Green type=tt]
[White type=quad]
[/White][/Green][/Orange] [/"Yellow curve"]
is fun!

But no luck. Is it still possible to create quadruplets from within the text accompanying the audio?

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. A bug was introduced in FaceFX 2015.1 and has been hiding in there. We'll get this fixed in FaceFX 2017 which is due out in a few weeks.

If you specify the duration parameter in the tag you can get a quad, but then the duration won't be set by the word boundary. If you need the word boundaries to set the duration, you will have to use an event text tag or an emoticon text tag which would require you to create an animation that defines the curves that are driven.


Thank you so much! I will be on the lookout for 2017, and in the meantime I will just use events where needed.