Supress Error messages in batch processing

Hi there,

I want to process and export all of our 30.000 wav files to fbx.

At first I used an issueCommand('analyze -dir ... for this. But the Application crashes if there are too many wav files in the directory.

Due to the way our engine works, I can not change the directory structure (unless I want to do it locally on my machine which is inconvenient)

So I thought I'd just use analyze -audio on each wav file python finds in the directory (and subdirectories), process it, apply my custom edits, export to fbx and then open the next file ...

This works, but here is my problem - After each file I get a popup,asking if I want to save the facefx file (which I don't). So I thought I'd just save it along .. but it throws some error while saving (though the exportet files are all good for me, so I do not care about the error.

So I either need a way to stop the error popup OR the save reminder popup, so I can just process my data!

Is that possible?


Sorry for the delayed response.

I was not aware of the crash with lots of audio files in a single folder. I will try to reproduce that and get that fixed in the next version.

Set the g_unattended console variable to turn off all prompts (don't forget to turn it back off):
set -n "g_unattended" -v "1"

I'm interested in what error is happening that is preventing you from saving without a prompt. Can you elaborate?
