FBX export settings

Hello, support team

I have a question.
· I want to txt format, the. Fbx file you want to export.
I want you to tell me the way.
- Are key reduction to be a default. Fbx file to be exported?
How do I change the data plotted for each frame.
Is it possible?
I want you to tell me the way.

Thank you


Try typing the following command into the command bar at the lower-left of the application:

set -n "fbx_export_format" -v "-1";

That will change the default output FBX file format to text.

You can change the key precision variable like this (default is .001)

set -name "fbx_export_key_precision" -v "0.01"

You will need to enter those commands each time studio starts up, or you can add them to your autoexec.fxl file.

I'm not sure what you mean by "How do I change the data plotted for each frame." In FaceFX, you would modify the curves by adding keys or using the sliders. Once the data is output into FBX format, the keys are "baked" into the bone transforms so editing is more difficult.

Check out the FBX command documentation here:



Use the command told me, I tried to export but I did not change.
Looking at the log, it is displayed as "-format" 0 "."
Usage is wrong?

by preparing the autoexec.fxl file, we should write the command, but if you export
Not changed.
The autoexec.fxl, it is sufficient to put it in the same folder as the. facefx data to call?

Data exported in a text editor, I did not read a thing.

What does the wrong procedure?

Thank you


I don't know why the command did not work for you. Maybe you didn't enter it correctly.

To test if you entered it correctly, try using the "get" command. So after this:
set -n "fbx_export_format" -v "-1";

Try typing this:
get -n "fbx_export_format"

You should see this (at the bottom right corner of the app:
fbx_export_format value: -1 default: 0

You can see that the default is 0, but we changed it to -1

The autoexec.fxl file needs to be in the facefx-studio.exe folder. There is already one there that you can edit (May need administrator privileges to edit if FaceFX Studio is installed in your Program Files.



I, I understand why or failed.
set-n "fbx_export_format"-v "-1";
It was the cause after you have entered the, it does not press the Enter key.

set-n "fbx_export_format"-v "-1";
get-n "fbx_export_format"

Both were confirmed to move normally.

In addition, I was able to find the file autoexec.fxl.
I was able to confirm that by writing, to succeed; here, set-n "fbx_export_format"-v "-1".

Thank you